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Changing Viewer Appearance

How to customize the color of Vue PDF Viewer’s appearance

To overwrite default styles, you can utilize :deep with the VPdfViewer wrapper CSS class, as demonstrated below:

<script setup>
<style scoped>
:deep(.vpv-variables) {
    --vpv-container-border-color: lightblue;
    --vpv-toolbar-background-color: mintcream;
    --vpv-toolbar-color: black;
    --vpv-toolbar-border-color: lightblue;
    --vpv-icon-active-background: grey;
    --vpv-sidebar-content-background-color: mintcream;
    --vpv-sidebar-content_thumbnail-page-number-font-size: 10px;
    --vpv-sidebar-content_thumbnail-focused-border-color: darkslategrey;
    --vpv-pages-container-background: mintcream;

/* To override variables in dark mode */
:deep(.vpv-variables.vpv-variables__dark) {
    --vpv-container-border-color: blue;
    --vpv-toolbar-background-color: darkgrey;
    --vpv-toolbar-color: white;
    --vpv-toolbar-border-color: blue;
    --vpv-icon-active-background: grey;
    --vpv-sidebar-content-background-color: darkgrey;
    --vpv-sidebar-content_thumbnail-focused-border-color: white;
    --vpv-pages-container-background: darkgrey;

An image of a customized Vue PDF Viewer appearance using a light green color

How to handle PDF Viewer's appearance from that of the parent's application

The Vue PDF Viewer's appearance is designed to be independent from a parent application's appearance.

The library provides the darkMode property as a two-way binding, using the v-model property. There is an @update:darkMode event for emitting theme changes from the library, allowing developers to update the parent application's appearance accordingly.

<script setup lang="ts">
    import { VPdfViewer } from '@vue-pdf-viewer/viewer'
    const src = '/your-pdf.pdf'
    const isDark = ref(true)
    const handleDarkModeChanged = (dark: boolean) => {
    isDark.value = dark
    // TODO: your logic

// Using v-model as two-way binding
    <div :style="{ width: '1028px', height: '700px'}">

// without v-model
    <div :style="{ width: '1028px', height: '700px'}">