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characterMapSpecify the character map (CMap) to be used for text rendering.CharacterMapundefined
darkModeTo set dark theme for the VPV. This can be used with the @update:dark-mode event.v-model:booleanfalse
initialRotationThe initial rotation of the PDF document with respect to the VPV viewer.number0 (0, 90, 180, 270)
initialScaleThe initial zoom level of the PDF document with respect to VPV. If unspecified, it is determined by the page dimensions and the width of the container.numberZoomLevel.PageFit (Scale ranges from 0 to 1.)
initialScrollModeThe initial scroll mode of VPV.ScrollModeScrollMode.Vertical
initialPageThe page number of the PDF document that will be displayed on first load.number1
initialViewModeThe initial view mode of VPV.ViewModeViewMode.SinglePage
initialThumbnails-visibleTo display thumbnail on first loadbooleanfalse
initialSearchset initial text to search in PDFv-model:stringundefined
srcSource of the PDF documentstring, Ref<string>-
textLayerA layer on a PDF to allow users to select text
Remark: Search, highlight text, and selection mode features depend on this property. If you disable it, these features won't work.
toolbarOptionsDetermine whether the toolbar is visible in the VPV.
Remark: The toolbar consists of top bar and left sidebar.
workerUrlThe URL or relative path pointing to the web worker file for handling PDF document which must correspond to the pdfjs-dist version being used.
Normally, you will not need to configure the workerURL. To do so, please refer to overriding dependency
localeThe locale string key, which must match the key of the localization object; otherwise, it will fall back to en_USv-model:stringen_US
localizationThe locale object that will be used in the componentRecord<string, Localization>{ en_US: ...locale, zh_CN: ...locale, it_IT: ...locale, pt_PT: ...locale, th_TH: ...locale }
afterCanvasLoadedcallback function to call after canvas layer is rendered of each pageRecord<number, CanvasLoadedCallback>undefined