Authenticate Your License
A valid key and an approved domain are required to remove the watermark on Vue PDF Viewer from such sites.
Add a license key
After making a license purchase, you should receive a license key. You could also access the License Manager to retrieve your license key. Here is how you can add the license key in your project.
Vue 3
<script setup lang="ts">
import { VPdfViewer, useLicense } from '@vue-pdf-viewer/viewer';
// If the value is empty or incorrect, the watermark will remain.
const licenseKey = import.meta.env.VITE_VPV_LICENSE ?? 'your-VPV-license-key';
useLicense({ licenseKey });
const pdfFileSource = "";
<div :style="{ width: '1028px', height: '700px'}">
<VPdfViewer :src="pdfFileSource" />
When using Nuxt, you have the option to store the license key on the server-side:
nuxt.config.ts / nuxt.config.js
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// ...
runtimeConfig: {
vpvLicenseKey: ''
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
const { vpvLicenseKey } = useRuntimeConfig(event)
return {
licenseKey: vpvLicenseKey
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { VPdfViewer, useLicense, VPVBaseProps } from '@vue-pdf-viewer/viewer';
const props = defineProps({
title: String,
licenseKey: {
type: String,
required: false
useLicense({ licenseKey: props.licenseKey });
{{ props.title }}
<div :style="{ width: '1028px', height: '700px', margin: '0 auto' }">
<VPdfViewer v-bind="$props" />
<script setup lang="ts">
// This will be requested on server-side
const { data } = await useFetch<{ licenseKey: string }>('/api/vpv-license-key');
// If the value is empty or incorrect, the watermark will remain.
const licenseKey = computed(() => data.value?.licenseKey);
<div :style="{ width: '1028px', height: '700px'}">
title="Shared Component"
Add an approved domain
An approved domain restricts license key usage to only specific domains you approved. To start adding an approved domain, please access the License Manager.
On the Approved Domain page, you can add as many domains as you like, including:
- Localhost (e.g.,
) for local development - Domain names (e.g.,
) - IP addresses (e.g.,
Important Notes
- Domains are matched based on exact matches only. If you add
will be approved. Subdomains
will not work unless you add them separately. - Wildcard characters (*) are not supported at the moment. Each domain and subdomain need to be added individually.
- Your license key will only function on these domains. Watermark in Vue PDF Viewer will still be visible on those domains that are not added.
Remark: For more information on the licensing details