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  • What's New:
    • Added built-in translations to Vue PDF Viewer's functions, including a function to add a custom language


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Focus outline in thumbnail view is being overlapped by thumbnails
  • Enhancements:
    • Added a focus state variable for focus outline that can be changed by overriding --vpv-outline-color


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Responsive view triggering incorrect at 818px instead of 768px
  • Enhancements:
    • Allow more flexibility in changing icons in the toolbar
    • Added container-width-sm to allow for overriding responsive view trigger point at a different component width


  • What's New:
    • Added keyboard navigation for major operations such as open file, page navigation, zoom level and print
    • Allow password-protected PDF file to be opened on the Vue PDF Viewer component
  • Enhancements:
    • Updated the default version of pdfjs-dist (peer dependency) from 3.11.174 to 4.4.168
    • Added VPVBaseProps constant which provides default values of the VPV component


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Text selection not working when page is rotated
    • Thumbnail not displaying the correct page when rotate or zoom buttons are clicked
  • Enhancements:
    • Improve page scroll when page up or down button is clicked consecutively


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Highlighted text from the search function displays in the incorrect position when the document is rotated
    • Thumbnails do not follow the scroll when clicking "go to the first page" or "go to the last page"
    • Thumbnail scroll does not follow page scroll if thumbnail is not yet loaded
    • No horizontal scrollbar appears when zooming in
    • Unable to click links in the PDF after rotation


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Thumbnail does not change to landscape mode when file is rotated


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a dead link in the README


  • 🚀 Launched first stable release


  • Enhancements:
    • Increased scroll speed when changing page via thumbnails
  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Vue pdf viewer style should not override project style


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Scrolling not working correctly
    • Rotate thumbnails when page is rotate
    • Added caching to prevent thumbnails from reloading when scrolled


  • What's New:
    • Added progress bar to display status when print function is triggered
    • Added search function to search by keywords in page
    • Added theme function to switch between light and dark themes
    • Added different predefined zoom modes
    • Added ability to open a file from local device directly in PDF viewer
    • Allow developers to use different version of PDF.js
  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Increased spacing between icons for correct display


  • 🐛 Bug Fixes:
    • Prevent page from returning to first when zooming


  • What's New:
    • Added page rotation to rotate page clockwise/anti-clockwise
    • Added page navigation to move back and forth across pages
    • Added download function to download the PDF file
    • Added page zoom function to zoom in/out
    • Added print function to print the PDF document
    • Added support for displaying of PDF in different languages
    • Added page loader when a page in the PDF document is still loading
    • Allow setting of initial PDF page displayed when the viewer is first loaded
    • Allow setting of initial rotation and zoom of the PDF document when the viewer is first loaded